Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Check this out everybody--it's new from SeeqPod! Use the Holla tab to search for some music and post it to my music wall (Walla tab). This time around, just post your favorite tracks and leave some comments (in the future maybe I'll do some theme--70s Arena Rock, etc.).

If you want to get your own, go to SeeqPod's Search Page and click on "Get HollaWalla". You'll need to sign up for a SeeqPod account if you don't already have one (you can get a HollaWalla without an account, but then you won't be able to moderate your wall). Once you get a wall, you can embed it in your blog, website, or in any social networking site that supports flash (Hi5, myspace, etc.). Check out even more widgets on SeeqPod's Widget Page.

Have fun!