Hi. Three things of note.
AutoluxWent to see them a couple of weeks ago, but haven't blogged about it. I have now seen them live three times. The first(and still the best) show was a couple of years ago at
popscene in San Fransisco. That time, they had three or four arrays of christmas lights, light bulbs, and other luminescences on stage. They rocked, and the small space was acoustically well-suited to their post-punk meets my bloody valentine meets outer space jams. I was so excited, I snagged a poster from the wall that showcased their uber cool haircuts.
Send time was at the Warfield, opening for Blonde Redhead. Sound sucked. Singer sounded like he was on some drug. Nuff said.
The recent show was at the Independent, and this time they were back in form. They played some tunes from the (yet unreleased) new album and a bunch of favorites from the first album. A few hiccups here and there, but in general the sound quality was excellent and the performance rocking. No xmas lights, etc though.
UltrasonesSo I wasted a nice chunk of one of my latest paychecks on
these insanely priced headphones. Was it worth it?
Yes. Amazing sound experience. Better than any headphones I've ever listened on--clear, defined highs, mids and lows, and the different instruments in the mix are positioned so that they seem to be coming from different areas around my head. In addition, the technology in the 'phones directs the sound toward the outer part of my ears, so it is directed into the ear in the same way as natural sound. These really open up a recording. Live songs sound like I'm in audience (try Live at Folsom Prison by Johnny Cash), and I can here details on studio recordings that I'd missed on my consumer-grade Sony, Philips, and Griffin (in ear) phones before.
Climbing GymI recently got a membership at Berkeley Ironworks, a climbing gym near where I work. It is awesome! I didn't know much about climbing before I started going there, but I'm learning fast. There's bouldering, which consists of low-height climbs with a focus on strategy and building strength. The climbs vary in difficulty from V0 (easy) to V5 (impossible), and require that you plan your route ahead of time so that you can position you body correctly to execute sometimes not-so-obvious climbing maneuvers. In addition, there's top-roping, which requires you learn how to use a harness, and how to work with a belay partner to climb really high. This type of climbing focuses on endurance.